What is NFC and How Does it Link to ITAM?

Keeping track of every asset can be time consuming even with some ITAM tools. Inventory process is one of the most time consuming parts of ITAM processes and in the worst case it requires a lot of manual work and causes hassle. Many traditional ITAM tools offer barcodes to smooth this process.

Could new technologies such as NFC provide a better solution for ITAM? In this blog we dive deeper into NFC and how it could benefit your ITAM processes.

What is NFC?

NFC, or Near Field Communication, is a wireless technology that lets you transfer data between two devices when they’re close together. NFC is both secure and perfect for quick data exchanges. NFC is becoming the leading technology for asset and fleet management.  

It is worth noting that NFC is not the same as RFID. NFC always requires a prompt from the user, in other words touching the NFC sticker with a smartphone or a tablet. RFID stickers, on the other hand, are read by a separate device that reads RFID tags remotely. RFID tags are typically used in situations where large volumes of low cost devices/product is moved through logistical chains. In these situations RFID readers at warehouses scan tens or hundreds of RFID tags in one go.  

How can NFC improve your ITAM processes?

A simple and effective solution is to use NFC-powered stickers. By labelling all devices with these “smart” stickers, you can easily retrieve detailed information about each device with just a touch of your smartphone. The information retrieved can be dynamically controlled and include for example everything from the asset’s purchase date and warranty status to its maintenance history and current user.

Simplified Audits and Inventory:
Audits become more efficient, as assets can be inventoried instantly with just a simple touch of the NFC smart sticker. You can easily inventory large groups of devices simply by using your smartphone. Taking inventory of a single device with NFC takes 2-3 seconds and is always 100% accurate.

Easy Tracking and Returns Process:
NFC simplifies the tracking of your assets by allowing quick access to device details, making it easier to manage and document device transfers and returns. You don’t need to search for the right device information manually by entering the device’s serial number to the search function of your Excel or your ITAM software.

Increased Security and Accuracy:
NFC’s close-range communication helps protect sensitive asset information by reducing the risk of unauthorized access. Access to device data can be controlled dynamically from the ITAM solution so that each user gets the information their role requires.

Cost Efficiency:
With NFC stickers your IT can save a lot of time with minimal investment as NFC stickers are a simple and cheap solution. Furthermore, NFC stickers remove human error from the equation which improves the quality of your ITAM. 

Why are NFC stickers better than traditionals barcodes or QR codes?

Short answer is that using NFC is easier and faster. You just move your smartphone on top of the NFC sticker and everything else happens automatically. This is much quicker and simpler than opening a specific application and scanning barcodes or QR codes.

There are also factors to consider in terms of usage and durability. For example barcodes and QR codes require to be lined up properly to the camera application and also require good lighting. In terms of durability, barcodes and QR codes can fairly easily get damaged or fade over time, making them harder (or even impossible) to read.

When it comes to asset management, there is one more aspect to consider when it comes to making decision between NFC and barcodes: NFC stickers can be much smaller than barcodes.

Time to elevate your ITAM

NFC technology offers a modern, secure, and streamlined addition to your IT Asset Management (ITAM).

If you want to learn how Paf reinvented and automated their ITAM processes, watch our webinar recording.

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