Lenovo Finland and IDR Start Co-operation – Introducing a New Turnkey DaaS Concept for Business Customers

Lenovo Finland and IDR have teamed up to combine Lenovo’s cost-effective financing with IDR’s automated IT asset management solution for managing the lifecycles of leased devices.

Together, Lenovo and IDR have developed a new DaaS (Device as a Service) concept that allows customers to utilize Lenovo’s cost-effective financing option while IDR’s software automates the lifecycle of the leased device. With automation, IDR software ensures that devices are returned to the financing company on time and without incurring additional costs.

Leif Ekebom, Lenovo Finland’s Business Partner Manager explains that the new partnership offers business customers a simple and clear all-in-one solution.

“Our goal is to provide our customers with the most cost-effective Lenovo financing on the market and the most advanced asset management solution on the market, all bundled together in an easy package at a fixed monthly price.”

Mikko Lehmus, the CEO of IDR, points out that customers do not only benefit from the decreased financing expenses but the automation provided by IDR’s software also offers further benefits. 

“With our partnership, a new leased device is automatically registered to the IDR software and together with all lease information. Once the device is taken into use, IDR automatically keeps track of all relevant device activity such as who’s using the device, when it was last seen, and that it meets compliance standards. As the lease period approaches expiration, IDR’s automation ensures devices appropriate action is taken and that the device is returned on time.”

More information:
Mikko Lehmus, CEO, IDR Oy
Leif Ekebom, Business Partner Manager, Lenovo Finland

About Lenovo Finland:
Lenovo is a global technology conglomerate with a revenue of $62 billion, ranked 217th on the Fortune Global 500 list. Lenovo’s vision is to offer users smarter technology. The company has continued its success as a leading PC service provider by expanding into growth areas that promote the development of new information technologies (customer, edge, cloud, network, and smart technologies), including servers, storage, mobile devices, software, solutions, and services.

About IDR:
IDR is a Finnish software company that develops IT asset lifecycle management solutions. IDR currently operates in the Nordic countries, Germany and UK. IDR’s SaaS solution gathers all IT device information in one place through integrations and automates manual processes throughout an IT device’s lifecycle. In addition to the asset, IDR offers solutions to streamline new device ordering process and ensure sustainable recycling for reuse.

IT asset management software

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