IT Asset Management in Education and Schools


Different IT devices such as laptops and tablets are replacing textbooks and paper in education fast. At schools, the number of devices is enormous which directly translates to heavy workloads for the IT team.

At the same time, IT devices are a significant investment for any school which increases the importance of having clear ITAM processes in place. You do not want to waste resources or risk losing assets due to inefficient lifecycle management.

In this blog text we focus on six reasons why IT Asset Management tools should not be overlook in schools.

1. Eliminate spreadsheet hassle and bring all information together

One of the key benefits of ITAM software for schools is the ability to bring asset management into a single system. No more jumping between outdated spreadsheets, supplier purchase data and UEM software. No more hunting of missing devices and doing things manually.

With modern ITAM software your IT team can quickly see every device, handle multiple processes and get important reports of the whole asset inventory.

2. Gain real-time visibility and control

With the right software you have real-time insights about your entire inventory. This includes knowing who uses the device, what devices are in stock, how many devices are broken, and the duration of any ongoing repairs.

With this information alone you are able to make more informed decisions, ensure that resources are used efficiently and cut downtime. Another major benefit is that with data, you can plan future investments and budgets with a lot less time.

3. Save time and resources

As previously mentioned, having up-to-date information about your assets allows for quicker response times and reduces the workload for your IT team. Searching for missing devices or seeking replacements without the right system can easily consume hours of valuable work time.

Automations and notifications further enhance efficiency by eliminating the need to remember every single detail or manually handle each task.

For example, with ITAM systems you can automate several key processes:

  • Automatic enrollment of all purchased assets
  • Securing devices back from students that drop out
  • Device end-of-life messaging to students
  • Automatic asset disposal with complete audit trail

Furthermore, ITAM systems can automatically spot various important aspects that eliminate manual work:

  • Identifying unused devices after X days of being offline
  • Automatic notifications whenever device user changes
  • Alerting about non-compliant devices to minimise security threats

4. Improve inventory process

As the school year ends, a large inventory task awaits as a lot of devices are returned. Managing this inventory process is one of the most time consuming parts of IT asset management. 

Some ITAM solutions are capable of streamlining this process quite significantly. The most reliable and fast solution is to use NFC-powered smart stickers. With NFC stickers, taking inventory of an asset takes less than 10 seconds which makes the process smooth and simple.

5. Get better return of your investment

When all devices are well-maintained and managed efficiently, you ensure that your investments are better protected.

Good ITAM processes help you to extend the lifespan of your assets and maximize their ROI. It is also important to remember that well-functioning IT devices play a crucial role in enhancing students’ learning experiences.

6. More automations with integrations

Integrations might not be the first thing that comes to mind, but the ability to integrate your asset inventory can be a significant time saver.

For example, integrating your ITAM system with device suppliers and leasing companies reduces manual work and minimizes the risk of human errors.This is why you should carefully consider what ITAM solution you select and make sure that is has an ecosystem model that allows integrating everything in one.

IT asset management software

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