How much can a company get from a used laptop?

On average, the replacement of a company laptop becomes relevant every 3-4 years. The lifespan of phones is often shorter, averaging 2-3 years. In addition to these, other IT devices also require replacement at certain intervals.

Old IT devices of companies easily ends up just gathering dust in storage because the recycling is often perceived as a laborious process. Even so, recycling these devices is an excellent way to recoup some of the money invested in them.

Many companies specializing in recycling and reuse will pay for old company laptops, phones, and other IT devices, sometimes even several hundred euros, as there is a global demand for used devices.

In this article, we briefly explain the factors that influence the valuation of used corporate IT devices.

What determines the resale value of an IT device?

Device model and age:

Fundamentally, all IT devices lose their value as soon as they are put into use. However, in some cases, certain models and brands retain their value better than others. On average, the value of a device decreases by about 5% per month. This is why, it’s best to recycle unused devices immediately after they are not used anymore.

Device condition:

One of the most significant factors in determining resale value is the device’s condition. Does it work? Are there scratches on the screen or damage to the device’s frame? If a device is externally in poor condition, its value is often much lower.

Other important aspects related to the device’s condition include battery life and overall performance. In short, a device that is still in good condition and works well will fetch the best resale price.

Technical specifications:

Devices might have significantly different technical features, even if they look exactly the same externally. For instance, the amount of RAM, processor power, and storage space influence the device’s resale value. In general, business laptops tend to be more powerful versions of devices and typically have at least 3-4 years more lifespan outside of the organization.

Supply and demand:

As with all markets, the resale value of IT devices is determined by supply and demand. If a particular device model or brand is especially popular, but supply is low, its value is often higher. Conversely, if there’s an oversupply of certain types of devices on the market, their resale value may decrease.


Devices from certain manufacturers and brands are more popular than others. For example, Apple devices often have a higher resale value.

Recycling partner:

Different recycling companies always value devices with slightly different emphases, and additionally, everyone has different quantities of various devices in their sales inventories, which affects what devices each partner wants to buy at any given time. Since situations vary, it’s often beneficial to compare recycling partners to get the best resale value.

In conclusion

The resale value of IT devices is a combination of several different factors, ranging from the device’s age and condition to its technical specifications and market demand. However, it’s essential to remember that reselling used devices is not only financially sensible but also ecologically sustainable. Therefore, under no circumstances should devices be left in storage or thrown into waste.

We also understand that it shouldn’t be too complicated to sell a company’s IT devices. A modern ITAM system like IDR helps to automate recycling and enables requesting bids from various parties with just a few clicks.

IT asset management software

Written by Mikko Lehmus. Mikko works as CEO of IDR. IDR is the most versatile asset lifecycle management software for IT devices and healthcare. Read more about IDR here.

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